The era of American energy dominance is coming to an end. And Trumpocracy 2.0's efforts to revive it through imperial hubris will accelerate the decline - because alternative facts can't trump biophysical reality.
A systems lens suggests a quarter of GDP could evaporate on a pathway to violent civil unrest, concentration camps, and genocidal violence that would be a free gift to Putin
Recent claims that renewables represent an inevitable energy descent are derived from a new form of 'energy blindness' that ignores the best EROI systems science.
US oil production is about to peak, but the world is unprepared for the tremendous economic and political consequences. The only path through is energy and economic transformation.
South Africa is on the brink of societal collapse - a system-failure that represents what can happen if we fail to adapt to the current global phase-shift. With better choices, South Africa could become a hub of sustainable superabundance. That can only happen if we open our eyes to what’s possible.
The iconic brand is lost in the liberal/progressive morass of political jockeying & carbon negative environmental imprints under the guise of ‘resistance’