Nafeez M Ahmed

Nafeez M Ahmed

Creator of the Age of Transformation, a newsletter offering systems-thinking for the global phase-shift. Director, Unitas Futures Lab. Founder, System Shift Lab.

Pentagon study declares American empire is ‘collapsing’

Report demands massive expansion of military-industrial complex to maintain global ‘access to resources’

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
15 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Iraq War veterans warn: Mosul ‘victory’ is prelude to Iraqi state-failure

Months ago, Iraq War veterans accurately predicted not only the imminent victory in Mosul — but also the inevitable collapse of the Iraq into state-failure in its aftermath

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
6 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

US and UK acting above the law to support the Saudi war in Yemen

A former State Department war crimes expert warns that arms sales to Saudi Arabia is ‘prohibited’ under US law - but the lethal exports still go ahead

Middle East Eye

We’re a Cheap Battery Away From Phasing Out Fossil Fuels

The chairman of Europe's biggest solar company tells us why Big Oil is facing an imminent threat


Theresa May’s counter-extremism plan will create an incompetent police state

After the terrorist attack in Finsbury Park, the Tories proposed a series of policies that would effectively police and criminalise thoughts. This will do nothing whatsoever to address what incubates violent extremism


3 ways Clean Energy will make Big Oil extinct in 12 to 32 Years — without subsidies

As the old world dies, a new world is being born

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
12 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

ISIS recruiter who radicalised London Bridge attackers was protected by MI5

From collusion to blowback

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
13 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

This is how to end Islamic State terror - and stop British foreign policy blowback

It's time for a difficult conversation about the British government's overt and covert military interventions which have made the UK a breeding ground for violent extremism

Middle East Eye

The Manchester Bombing: Blowback from British state collusion with jihadists abroad

A Briefing by Mark Curtis and Nafeez Ahmed

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
  • Mark Curtis
26 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed, Mark Curtis

How to fix journalism

Extra Newsfeed

Journalism’s next frontier: crossing the threshold from having to being

A personal journey

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
57 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Our children in Manchester paid the price of business as usual

A price some Western and Muslim leaders are all too willing to pay

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
20 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Pillaging Palestine's gas? EU in danger of complicity in resource grab

New report questions whether an energy company developing Israeli gas reserves may also have been illegally extracting Palestinian resources

Middle East Eye

Kissinger is the dark side of Trump in Syria

By behaving erratically, US leaders can outmanoeuvre their rivals, but Kissinger's 'madman theory' tactics won't defeat IS or Assad in the end

Middle East Eye

The Robot Revolution Will Take Your Car, Your Mom’s Car, and All the Oil in 13 Years

A new report says self-driving electric vehicle fleets are poised to replace individual cars sooner than we think


Postscript to a letter to extremists

We can defeat extremism by building something beautiful together


A love letter to extremists after the London attack

Extremists seek to drive a stake through the arena of co-existence, to sow fear and hatred. But we Londoners are not going to turn on each other, because that’s not what we do

Extra Newsfeed

Inside the secret Trump lobby that wants to profit from the break-up of Iraq

A network tied to Cambridge Analytica, Islamist insurgents, ExxonMobil and Koch convinced Trump to let go of Iraqi unity

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
22 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

After Mosul: The coming break-up of Iraq and end of the Middle East

The battle against IS is a war no one will win. Here's the real battle we should be worrying about - and fighting

Middle East Eye

The World Wasted Trillions of Dollars on Fossil Fuels Because of Bad Math

The global measurement of fossil fuel subsidies is most likely wrong


Republican insider: Trump is creating Deep State 2.0, but it might crash the economy (EXCLUSIVE)

Former GOP staffer says American president is a ‘mutation’ of unaccountable oligarchy pulling the strings of Democrats and Republicans alike

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
22 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Beyond Trump: Rebooting the System from inside the Death Machine

Free your mind, find your power, change the world

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
  • Andrew Markell
  • Gunther Sonnenfeld
39 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed, Andrew Markell, Gunther Sonnenfeld

How the Trump regime was manufactured by a war inside the Deep State

A systemic crisis in the global Deep System has driven the violent radicalization of a Deep State faction

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
39 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

How global economic growth will drown in Trump’s oil glut after 2018

All the oil on the planet can’t save a financial system in overshoot, but another world is still possible

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
19 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed