
White House admits knowing that Trump lobbyists helped Gazprom conquer an entire Balkan state

US and Russian corporations connected to the American President’s inner circle are tying Putin’s gas noose round Europe’s neck

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
24 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Venezuela’s collapse is a window into how the Oil Age will unravel

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
18 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Brexit: stage one in Europe’s slow-burn energy collapse

The Brexit fiasco and French riots are accelerating symptoms of Europe’s earth system crisis

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
16 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Scientists Warn the UN of Capitalism’s Imminent Demise

A climate change-fueled switch away from fossil fuels means the worldwide economy will fundamentally need to change

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
8 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

The next financial crash is imminent, and China’s resource crisis could be the trigger

Over three decades, the value of energy China extracts from its domestic oil, gas and coal supplies has plummeted by half

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
6 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Govt economic advisor warns British defence planners that growth is ending

Study charts the protracted collapse of industrial economic growth and why prosperity must be built on a new economic model. And no, the Singularity won’t save us.

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
10 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Global civilisation to descend into ‘hell on earth’ unless we choose a new paradigm

British energy pioneer warns of uncertain future while highlighting increasing probability of a ‘great transition’

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
8 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Only ‘collective intelligence’ can help us stave off an uninhabitable planet

Humanity needs new tools to overcome the global crisis of collective insanity

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
11 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Ex-chief of BP-acquired solar giant foresees renewables revolution

A new paradigm of ‘planetary ecology’ might emerge after 2050

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
6 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Our broken mental models are at the root of global systemic crises

  • Ugo Bardi
  • David Packer
4 min read
Ugo Bardi, David Packer

How to Lose the Climate War

  • Ugo Bardi
3 min read
Ugo Bardi

100% renewables: ‘wishful thinking’ or an imperative goal?

  • David W. Schwartzman
12 min read
David W. Schwartzman

Documents reveal Middle East regimes fear food, water, energy shortages (EXCLUSIVE)

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
7 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

China faces looming energy crisis, warns state-funded study (EXCLUSIVE)

Fossil fuel decline puts Chinese and global economy at risk

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
13 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Inside the new economic science of capitalism’s slow-burn energy collapse

And why the struggle for a new economic paradigm is about to get real

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
13 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

We’ll always have the Sun: solar energy and the future of humankind

  • Ugo Bardi
5 min read
Ugo Bardi

Uncertainty is the best tool to navigate toward our post-carbon future

Why confronting the limits to knowledge about complex systems can enhance our capacity to learn

  • Josh Floyd
8 min read
Josh Floyd

What’s really driving the global economic crisis is net energy decline

And there’s no going back. So let’s step into the future.

  • Jonathan Rutherford
11 min read
Jonathan Rutherford

Can economic growth continue without fossil fuels? The IPCC thinks so — here’s why its decarbonisation models are broken

  • Graham Palmer
4 min read
Graham Palmer

How clean is ‘clean energy’? Renewables cannot solve the global crisis

  • Saral Sarkar
10 min read
Saral Sarkar

How the renewable energy transition could usher in an economic revolution

  • Felix FitzRoy
8 min read
Felix FitzRoy

Why 100% renewable energy is feasible

  • Mark Diesendorf
11 min read
Mark Diesendorf

3 ways Clean Energy will make Big Oil extinct in 12 to 32 Years — without subsidies

As the old world dies, a new world is being born

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
12 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Why renewable energy matters: for your health, your job, and your safety

  • Sergio Gonzalez
10 min read
Sergio Gonzalez