The era of American energy dominance is coming to an end. And Trumpocracy 2.0's efforts to revive it through imperial hubris will accelerate the decline - because alternative facts can't trump biophysical reality.
We are all feeling it. Grief, despair, anxiety, chaos. This essay, which distils the planetary phase shift framework, gives you the tools to see through the chaos to recognise emerging possibilities of a new system that could enable superabundance beyond our wildest imaginations.
When we look at the rise of the global far-right through a systems lens, we can recognise that it as a symptom of crisis and collapse - as well as the potential for renewal. Today, humanity stands at a political inflection point in which the only viable path forward involves total transformation.
After decades exposing fossil fuel interests, I've realised it's not about dismantling the old. We must enable the new with finance, technology & system change. The West’s biggest carbon polluters are deflecting from this necessity, in ways that have carefully obscured what really derailed COP28.
Collapse is not the end - it's the beginning. The fear and uncertainty of this time signals the obsolescence of old ways of being. As we step into the unknown, truly new ways of being are emerging. Our challenge is to seize on and amplify these opportunities.
Recent claims that renewables represent an inevitable energy descent are derived from a new form of 'energy blindness' that ignores the best EROI systems science.
In my open letter to the UAE President of COP28, I provide an economic and technological reality-check on how his proposed policies expose us to gigantic financial and ecological risks.
South Africa is on the brink of societal collapse - a system-failure that represents what can happen if we fail to adapt to the current global phase-shift. With better choices, South Africa could become a hub of sustainable superabundance. That can only happen if we open our eyes to what’s possible.