United Nations

We’re Crossing a Global Tipping Point on Fossil Fuels and There’s No Going Back

The post-oil genie's out of the bottle. It ain't ever going back. Get ready for the new world that's emerging.

6 min read

I warned leaders at COP28 that the age of oil is over - with or without ‘phase out’ plan

After decades exposing fossil fuel interests, I've realised it's not about dismantling the old. We must enable the new with finance, technology & system change. The West’s biggest carbon polluters are deflecting from this necessity, in ways that have carefully obscured what really derailed COP28.

11 min read

The COP28 Agenda is a Recipe for Economic Armageddon: An Open Letter to Sultan Al Jaber, UAE President of COP28

In my open letter to the UAE President of COP28, I provide an economic and technological reality-check on how his proposed policies expose us to gigantic financial and ecological risks.

16 min read

UN plan to save Earth is “fig leaf” for Big Business: insiders

Why the new Sustainable Development agenda is “fundamentally compromised” by corporate interests

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
18 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed