The Independent

How coronavirus can be stopped in eight weeks

As America becomes the centre of the pandemic and health services around the world face disaster, former WHO chief Anthony Costello tells Nafeez Ahmed it’s not too late to regain control of the situation

The Independent

Boris Johnson's destruction of democracy is making it easier for the hard right to ruin our planet

The vision that Boris and his clique represent is plain (for some of us) to see. They appear to be unabashed authoritarians, and their grand scheme consists of austerity for the poor, welfare for the wealthy and marginalisation for minorities

The Independent

This is how UN scientists are preparing for the end of capitalism

As the era of cheap energy comes to an end, capitalist thinking is struggling to solve the huge problems facing humanity. So how do we respond?

The Independent

Former government adviser believes warnings of extremist attacks were ignored

Concerns about jihadist action against British soldiers 'fell on deaf ears,' says Jahan Mahmood

The Independent

Hitchens Has No Clothes: A response to Vidal Loco

The Independent