If we don't change prevailing business-as-usual political economies, probably - but we can still say 'no' and mean it
The Guardian
Critics of new Nature paper on costs of Arctic warming ignore latest science on permafrost methane at everyone's peril
The Guardian
The Duke and Duchess' little Prince will grow up on a planet that might be unrecognisable by adulthood, lest we change course
The Guardian
Professor Peter Wadhams, co-author of new Nature paper on costs of Arctic warming, explains the danger of inaction
The Guardian
Hype around peak oil's demise is premature, though you wouldn't know that if you believed BBC misrepresentations
The Guardian
Unlimited GDP growth is over as we enter a new age of resource scarcity - we must transition to a new economy
The Guardian
Without full decarbonisation by 2030, our global emissions pathway guarantees new era of catastrophic climate change
The Guardian
Mass street protests are symptom of unsustainability of IMF model in the face of environmental and energy challenges
The Guardian
Impending global uranium supply gap heralds end of cheap uranium, future of 'involuntary phase-outs, blackouts and worse'
The Guardian
Fatally flawed energy policies and inadequate emissions pledges cannot prevent dangerous climate change
The Guardian
Overinflated industry claims could pull the rug out from optimistic growth forecasts within just five years
The Guardian
New documentary Grasp The Nettle shows how state inaction on climate change fosters direct action on society's margins
The Guardian
New research on land, oil, bees and climate change points to imminent global food crisis without urgent action
The Guardian
NSA Prism is motivated in part by fears that environmentally-linked disasters could spur anti-government activism
The Guardian
South-east Asian economies' growing demand for energy and resources could lead to long periods of recession in the UK
The Guardian
US National Strategy for the Arctic Region prioritises corporate 'economic opportunities' at the expense of everyone else
The Guardian
Root-cause environmental and energy factors sparking violence will continue to destabilise Arab world without urgent reforms
The Guardian
National security officials worried by rapid loss of Arctic summer sea ice overlook threat of permanent global food shortages
The Guardian
South-east Asian country's untapped natural wealth is being opened up, regardless of the environmental and human costs
The Guardian