
Did the US and Britain collude in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi?

With Khashoggi’s murder, many secrets that both the Kingdom and its western allies wanted buried, will stay that way


Theresa May’s counter-extremism plan will create an incompetent police state

After the terrorist attack in Finsbury Park, the Tories proposed a series of policies that would effectively police and criminalise thoughts. This will do nothing whatsoever to address what incubates violent extremism


Postscript to a letter to extremists

We can defeat extremism by building something beautiful together


Donald Trump is not the problem – he’s the symptom

Trump is what happens when you fail to understand our global problems in their interconnected, systemic context


Donald Trump is going to keep wrecking Afghanistan

As commander-in-chief, dealing with the realities of the region will not be as simple as shifting soundbites


Trump’s dystopia is coming – but it will destroy itself

Trump will, inevitably, pull the rug out from under his own feet


ISIS wants to destroy the 'grey zone'. Here's how we defend it

After the Paris attacks, it is imperative that we safeguard this arena of co-existence, where people of all faith and none remain unified on the principles of common humanity


MI5 Woolwich failure due to geopolitical alliance with Islamist extremists

The strange British reluctance to prosecute banned group Al Muhajiroun activists despite their support for al-Qaeda terrorism seems inexplicable. But is it?


Pakistan and America: costs of militarism

Pakistan’s immense problems can begin to be solved only when powerful interests in Islamabad and Washington end their commitment to armed solutions
