Middle East Eye

War on Islamic State: A New Cold War fiction

The Islamic State group is little more than the proxy bastard child of a New Cold War that looks set to escalate

Middle East Eye

The collapse of Saudi Arabia is inevitable

Deep-rooted structural realities means Saudi Arabia is on the brink of state failure, a process likely to take off in the next few years

Middle East Eye

Gulf states lead call for regime change in Syria

Though the Gulf has called for the overthrow of Assad, sources suggest Obama agreed to Putin’s increased support for him

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A thousand 9/11s

The 9/11 attack was just the beginning of the bloodletting and the wanton abuse of law to extend unaccountable state authority

Middle East Eye

Pentagon prepares for century of climate emergencies and oil wars

US Army research reveals the military’s latest strategies to safeguard the global fossil fuel system from threat of scarcity and climate disruption

Middle East Eye

UK, US turn blind eye to Islamic State oil sales

Amid the scramble for Kurdistan’s oil and gas wealth, the US and UK are tied to Kurdish and Turkish institutions accused of facilitating IS oil sales

Middle East Eye

Iran deal is about staving off the coming oil shock

The US wants to use Iran to sustain its regional influence in the face of the next global economic recession

Middle East Eye

Endless enemies - how the US is supporting the Islamic State by fighting it

From al-Qaeda to the Islamic State to Assad, the US is fighting terrorists of its own creation by partnering with other terrorists of its own creation

Middle East Eye

The Anglo-American empire is preparing for resource war

The control of resources remains a core factor in US considerations for sustaining global US hegemony in the face of rising geopolitical influence of its major rivals

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Western collusion with Egypt’s reign of terror

Germany’s detention without charge of a journalist critical of President Sisi is part of a pattern of Western collusion in Egypt’s war on democracy

Middle East Eye

Why are people joining the 'Islamic State'?

Ultimately, Western and Muslim violent extremists are merely two sides of the same coin, locked into a spiral of mutual mass murder

Middle East Eye

Is the next threat too many 'them' in a resource-scarce future?

Defence planners are haunted by visions of angry, marginalised black people endangering corporate power when climate change topples their governments

Middle East Eye

Pentagon report says West, Gulf states and Turkey foresaw emergence of ‘IS’

A US intelligence report reveals that Western support for Syria’s rebels aided and abetted the rise of the ‘Islamic State’ - and the Pentagon won’t deny it

Middle East Eye

The Islamic State’s reformist apologists

We need a transformation, and it needs to cut across the Muslim and Western worlds, together

Middle East Eye

Good news: UK counter-extremism plans could be used to silence Katie Hopkins

Unless “British values” are to be equated with warmongering, corporate-profiteering and xenophobia, The Sun’s cheerleading for the latest European war agenda for Libya could mean the tabloid finally gets shut-down. Fingers-crossed! (Thanks Theresa!)

Middle East Eye

The US-Saudi war with OPEC to prolong oil’s dying empire

Whoever controls the price of oil can play god with the global economy - that’s why the US and Saudi Arabia are leading the way to smash OPEC and re-create a new global oil cartel

Middle East Eye

Food scarcity is fanning flames of ‘war on terror’

Behind the epidemic of global violence is a cascade of food price spikes linked to worsening resource constraints

Middle East Eye

Unworthy victims: Western wars have killed four million Muslims since 1990

Landmark research proves that the US-led ‘war on terror’ has killed as many as 2 million people, but this is a fraction of Western responsibility for deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last two decades

Middle East Eye

The Pentagon plan to ‘divide and rule’ the Muslim world

Yemen is the latest casualty of a neoconservative strategy commissioned by the US Army to ‘capitalise on Sunni-Shia conflict’ in the Middle East - the goal is nothing short of ‘Western dominance’

Middle East Eye

Islamic State is the cancer of modern capitalism

The brutal ‘Islamic State’ is a symptom of a deepening crisis of civilisation premised on fossil fuel addiction, which is undermining Western hegemony and unravelling state power across the Muslim world

Middle East Eye

New age of water wars portends 'bleak future'

The world is already in the throes of an epidemic of local and regional water shortages, and unless this trend is reversed, it will lead to more forced migrations, civil unrest and outbreaks of conflict

Middle East Eye

How Blair’s Egyptian gas gambit advances the Israeli energy empire

Egypt’s BP gas deal is step one of a US-UK driven scheme to stave off energy crises afflicting the West’s favourite regional tyrants

Middle East Eye

White supremacists at the heart of Whitehall

Behind the facade of concern about terrorism is a network of extremist neoconservative ideologues, hell-bent on promoting discrimination and violence against Muslims and political activists who criticise Israeli and Western government policies

Middle East Eye

The circus: How British intelligence primed both sides of the ‘terror war’

‘Jihadi John’ was able to join IS for one simple reason: from Quilliam to al-Muhajiroun, Britain’s loudest extremists have been groomed by the security services

Middle East Eye