Middle East Eye

US and UK acting above the law to support the Saudi war in Yemen

A former State Department war crimes expert warns that arms sales to Saudi Arabia is ‘prohibited’ under US law - but the lethal exports still go ahead

Middle East Eye

This is how to end Islamic State terror - and stop British foreign policy blowback

It's time for a difficult conversation about the British government's overt and covert military interventions which have made the UK a breeding ground for violent extremism

Middle East Eye

Pillaging Palestine's gas? EU in danger of complicity in resource grab

New report questions whether an energy company developing Israeli gas reserves may also have been illegally extracting Palestinian resources

Middle East Eye

Kissinger is the dark side of Trump in Syria

By behaving erratically, US leaders can outmanoeuvre their rivals, but Kissinger's 'madman theory' tactics won't defeat IS or Assad in the end

Middle East Eye

After Mosul: The coming break-up of Iraq and end of the Middle East

The battle against IS is a war no one will win. Here's the real battle we should be worrying about - and fighting

Middle East Eye

The UK's ‘national security’ plan? It's a blueprint for a police state

The report offers no insight on how Britain has destroyed the national security of other countries - and thereby threatened its own

Middle East Eye

Washington insiders warn ‘anti-Semitic’ Trump administration could torpedo two-state solution

If Trump kills all prospects of a Palestinian state as Beltway insiders fear, an uprising – and the end of whatever security Israel has – is likely

Middle East Eye

Trump’s terrorist friends

Despite his rhetoric as a hard man against terror, Trump is happy to do business with governments that have links to extremists

Middle East Eye

The new ‘two-state solution’ that will colonise Palestine

Under ludicrous new blueprint, Israel would withdraw its settlements in return for Palestine becoming a giant surrogate Israeli colony

Middle East Eye

Here’s why France is on the frontline of the war with Islamic State

France’s persistent targeting by extremists is linked to its secretive war with IS militants being waged across the Mediterranean in the Maghreb

Middle East Eye

Most Labour MPs opposing Corbyn are stained with the blood of Iraq

Data on the Labour MPs rising up against Jeremy Corbyn shows this is a revolt of the war party against an anti-war leader

Middle East Eye

How G4S tolerated the homophobic hatred of Orlando’s IS terrorist

Omar Mateen’s homophobic fling with the Islamic State emerged in the bowels of a national security complex dominated by the Christian Right

Middle East Eye

UN ‘buries’ resolution on Gaza’s environmental health crisis under US, Israeli pressure

The blocking of a UN vote on the Gaza resolution was orchestrated by the US and Israel on the basis of a technicality, which was selectively applied

Middle East Eye

Western firms sell drones, surveillance and riot solutions to Gulf tyrants for 'homeland security'

More guns equals more security? Arab citizens being kept 'safe' by their burgeoning 'homeland security' kingdoms might disagree

Middle East Eye

Where did all the oil go? The peak is back

Solar power has grown exponentially and the target of 50 percent renewables by 2028 to avoid a 2C world is achievable

Middle East Eye

Saudi war for Yemen oil pipeline is empowering al-Qaeda, IS

Secret cable and Dutch government official confirm that Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen is partly motivated by an ambitious US-backed pipeline fantasy

Middle East Eye

David Cameron’s illiterate counter-radicalisation proposals

The problem of illiteracy in wider British society makes the English language challenges affecting British Muslims look puny

Middle East Eye

Western warmongers have all the answers, and they're all wrong

The wars in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan failed not because of noble errors, but because short-sighted Western interests trumped the needs of the people. And this is why the creeping return to war will fail again

Middle East Eye

Terror, climate chaos, financial crisis are the costs of ‘doing business’

The techno-narcissism of predatory neoliberal capitalism is locked into an endless war with the bastard monster of its own creation - Islamic State

Middle East Eye

Paris climate negotiations won’t stop the planet burning

Government negotiators in Paris are looking at banal details of how and when countries should commit to improving their voluntary pledges

Middle East Eye

Drone terror: Welcome to the barbarism of ‘civilisation’

Mass murder is fine as long we are the ones doing the killing to stop other people killing us

Middle East Eye

West, Gulf complicity in oil-fuelled genocide of Myanmar’s Rohingya

Burma’s Muslim minority is a casualty of a geopolitical tug of war between the West and China to dominate Asia

Middle East Eye

The US-Russia gas pipeline war in Syria could destabilise Putin

Military solutions are not the answer to the perfect storm of climate, energy, food, economic and geopolitical crises facing Russia

Middle East Eye

Ahrar al-Sham’s apocalyptic vision for Syria and beyond

Despite claims that Syrian rebel group Ahrar al-Sham is taking a ‘moderate’ turn, its leaders still pursue a sectarian vision for the region

Middle East Eye