Huff Post UK

If Labour Is to Beat UKIP, It Must Enfranchise the 'Lost Generation'

Given the ongoing widespread apathy with the electoral system, we need more political representatives like Sonia who actually bring something to the table other than self-serving careerism. Failing that, Britain's political future looks increasingly loony

Huff Post UK

Is David Cameron a Violent Extremist?

The dropping of terror charges yesterday against celebrated human rights activist and ex-Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg, after having been detained for seven months on grounds of facilitating terrorism at a Syrian training camp, speaks volumes about the self-defeating direction of Britain's...

Huff Post UK

Is MI5 Foiling Terror Plots of Its Own Hatching?

Why would MI5 and MI6 retain the services of someone so dangerous given the overwhelming evidence of his centrality to violent radicalisation? Is MI5, through Al Muhajiroun, hatching many of the plots it lays claim to successfully foiling?

Huff Post UK

Seven Myths About the Iraq War: How BBC Newsnight Failed Journalism on the 10 Year Invasion Anniversary

Newsnight presented some deeply questionable narratives of the war and its aftermath as 'fact'; and systematically avoided any serious, factually-grounded criticisms of the war, despite a diverse panel which included people who opposed it

Huff Post UK

The Frack Farce

The UK government's decision to resume fracking has been welcomed by the oil industry, and widely lambasted by environmental campaigners. But to a large extent the debate about the potential of shale gas in this country has completely missed the point

Huff Post UK

The Myth of the Free Press: Why You Should Ignore the Fake 'Free Speech Naysayers

It is not in the public interest to have a press capable of running riot in the deliberate manufacture of false news which serves the interests of power. It is in the public interest to have a press which the public can hold to account when it fakes news in the interests of power...

Huff Post UK

Abu Qatada: The Asset We Can't Get Rid of

If the government is serious about Qatada's terrorist credentials - and it should be - they should be pursuing a solid legal effort to put the al-Qaeda puppet master behind bars for good, in this country, under specific charges that address the totality of his support for mass death

Huff Post UK

Extradition: A Victory for Terror

Extradition does nothing for the fight against terrorism. On the contrary, it is a self-serving red-herring designed to conceal the dubious systemic failures of British and American security agencies from public knowledge, while vindicating their unaccountable powers to override the rule of law

Huff Post UK

In the Shadow of Fiction: How Television Is Making (Up) Muslim History

Muhammed, Simon Holland concludes, probably never came from Mecca, but from Transjordania; the Qur'an and its teachings are largely borrowed from local religious traditions, Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism; and it is questionable whether 'Islam' ever really existed...

Huff Post UK

Somalia - Light at the End of the Tunnel?

Ever since 'Black Hawk Down', Somalia is not known as a country bearing good news. For over 20 years, the country has lacked a stable central government and been wracked by civil war

Huff Post UK

Time to Hold the Media to Account for Islamophobia

Over a decade after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington - and seven years after the London bombings - questions about Islam, Muslims and their place in the wider Western world continue to foment strong debate

Huff Post UK