Cambridge University fails to answer questions raised by staff and students after Byline Times’ revelation that racist pseudoscience is being promoted on campus under the guise of ‘freedom of speech’
Nafeez Ahmed looks at the scientific credentials of the authors behind a book that has powered baseless speculation that the Chinese Government ‘engineered’ COVID-19
The rebel Tory MP sits in the middle of hard-right lobby networks on climate change and the pandemic linked to Cambridge Analytica, reveal Nafeez Ahmed and Peter Jukes
In a special investigation, Nafeez Ahmed reveals how Palantir-linked Donald Trump lobbyists are using ‘free speech’ to normalise white nationalism on UK campuses
Nafeez Ahmed reveals how a pioneer of scientific racism was hosted at British universities by a charity with close Conservative Party and Government ties
Nafeez Ahmed explores the strange case of a Government climate change forum, and its apparent association with a major representative of the fossil fuel industry
Nafeez Ahmed reveals disinformation campaigns and a frenzy of lobbying of the British Government by fossil fuel giants ahead of the UN climate change conference
Nafeez Ahmed reveals that, while hosting the climate change summit on one hand, the UK Government is encouraging expansion of fossil fuel extraction with the other
Nafeez Ahmed examines Alok Sharma’s voting record, which raises substantial concerns around the Conservative MP’s suitability to chair a summit many describe as the world’s last chance on climate change
Nafeez Ahmed reveals that Alok Sharma, the British MP appointed head of the UN climate summit, received donations from a businessman behind a billion dollar oil and shipping company
Nafeez Ahmed reports on the recently formed APPG on Pandemic Response and Recovery, chaired by a Conservative MP, and which includes climate science deniers among its members
As Covid lobbying groups combine to oppose child vaccination, Nafeez Ahmed and Karam Bales investigate how conspiracy theories and pseudoscience disfigure public debate
Nafeez Ahmed sees the current energy crisis as a symptom of a deeper malaise – reliance on Russia and fossil fuels – which could lead to spiralling inflation and a perfect global economic storm
Nafeez Ahmed examines the direct and indirect deaths of the post 9/11 era, as a new kind of state-sanctioned mass violence became globalised and normalised
Before 9/11, Nafeez Ahmed warned of an impending invasion of Afghanistan to control a strategic pipeline. 20 years on, the return of the Taliban is the predictable legacy of America’s failed strategy
Just as we underestimated the speed and scale of climate change, Nafeez Ahmed argues, our narrow, linear ways are leading us to underestimate the scope of potential solutions
As the IPCC issues its direst warnings yet about an inevitable rise in global warming into the 1.5C danger zone, Nafeez Ahmed proposes a better way out of its dystopian vision
A former senior advisor to the SARS Commission believes that there should be an investigation into how responses to the Coronavirus pandemic were based on an outmoded theory, leading to the deaths of healthcare workers