Cheat Sheet – theme

Staff setup

Whereas authors will automatically get added to the contributors section of the Staff and Contributors page, INSURGE staff need to be added in manually via the theme. (Perhaps Ghost will add in the possibility that will allow for this to be automatic in the future, but in the meantime this workaround is needed.)

To do this, start off by creating a new staff member for the person you want added to the staff section. If they're already a contributor, add in a second staff account for said person, which means inviting them via a secondary email address. Once they're in, and for organisational purposes, change their Slug on their staff page to staff-NAME as such:

In the custom-staff-and-contributors.hbs file in the theme's root directory your new developer will have to manually add in details so that the new staff member appears in the staff section. For each staff member the following will have to be added, replacing NAME with their name.

{{#get 'authors' filter='slug:staff-NAME'}}
{{#foreach authors}}
{{> 'staff-card' }}

The order here is important as staff will be ordered in the order that they appear in the file.

Next up, down in the Contributors section of the custom-staff-and-contributors.hbs file your new developer will add in the following two lines for each added staff member so as to remove them from appearing in this section.

{{^has slug='staff-NAME'}}

If they're also an actual contributor then their other staff account will appear in this section anyway.

Once all that has been done, save and upload the theme.

Last of all, it appears that Ghost has recently made it so that Staff members (of the system, not of INSURGE) without any published posts or pages will not appear in any kind of listing. To get around this a page has been created entitled "Staff" of which every person you want listed under INSURGE's Staff heading can be added as an author to. Although anybody of the public will be able to navigate to the page (supposing they somehow know the obfuscated URL exists), the internal tag #noindex has been created with the functionality so that any post or page inclusive of it will not be listed by any web crawlers. Said tag has been added to said "Staff" page.