Nafeez M Ahmed

Nafeez M Ahmed

Creator of the Age of Transformation, a newsletter offering systems-thinking for the global phase-shift. Director, Unitas Futures Lab. Founder, System Shift Lab.

To Save US Democracy, American Muslims Must Resist Foreign Interests Backing Trump

Nafeez Ahmed digs deeper into the censorship of an article he wrote, attacking those on the left who are boycotting the largest campaign to get Muslims out to vote in next month’s Presidential Election

Byline Times

Cambridge University Divests From Big Oil Years Too Late

After a five-year student- and faculty-led campaign, Cambridge says it'll cut ties with fossil fuel companies ... by 2030


Why are America’s progressive Arab movements supporting Trump?

Middle East Monitor

Scamademics? Right-Wing Lobbying Groups Reviving ‘Herd Immunity’ in the UK

Nafeez Ahmed reveals how a high-profile letter to Boris Johnson was based on ‘fringe pseudoscience’ and co-drafted by a Government advisor who downplayed the COVID-19 death toll

Byline Times

British Military Prepares for Climate-Fueled Resource Shortages

The UK military expects 3.5 degrees of warming, and will weigh going to war simply to ensure its ability to go to war (by stabilizing access to critical resources)


Catastrophic Hurricanes Are the ‘New Normal,’ and They Will Cost Trillions

Taxpayers and already struggling communities are largely bearing the brunt of the costs for climate change-fueled disasters created by big oil and big business


The End of the Oil Age Is Upon Us

A new report suggests that over the next 30 years, at least 80 percent of the oil industry will be wiped out


This is how we end deforestation to avert pandemic, climate and societal collapse

COVID-19 is an early warning signal for our breaching of planetary boundaries

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
23 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Towards a great forest transition - part 2

A fundamental sea-change is required in the global approach to tackling deforestation, and it requires a new focus on engendering institutions of cooperation rather than competition

The Ecologist

Towards a great forest transition - part 1

Industrial expansion has resulted in the loss of some 420 million hectares of forest overall since 1990, and the decrease of old-growth primary forest worldwide by over 80 million hectares

The Ecologist

Theoretical Physicists Say 90% Chance of Societal Collapse Within Several Decades

Deforestation and rampant resource use is likely to trigger the 'irreversible collapse' of human civilization unless we rapidly change course


'Green Economic Growth' Is a Myth

There are 'no realistic scenarios' to make the economic growth demanded by capitalism compatible with a safe climate, researchers who advised the United Nations found


SAGEGATE: Government Still Chasing ‘Long-Term Herd Immunity’ Through Recurrent Waves of COVID-19

Analysis of new documents from the Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies shows that the quest for herd immunity, through several waves of the Coronavirus over a number of years, has not gone away

Byline Times

Green economic growth is an article of ‘faith’ devoid of scientific evidence

Crack team that advised UN Global Sustainable Development Report settle a longstanding debate with hard empirical data

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
6 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

SAGEGATE – Part Three: Cummings and Johnson Defied Scientific Advisors by Lifting Restrictions Without Robust Track and Trace

The third part of Nafeez Ahmed’s investigation shows how public health was sacrificed to ideology as the lockdown was eased

Byline Times

SAGEGATE – Part Two: How Herd Immunity was Imposed on Government’s Science Advisory Group On Dominic Cummings’ Watch

Nafeez Ahmed investigates how the adoption of the outlandish policy, which would have led to half a million deaths, coincided with the presence of Boris Johnson’s controversial chief advisor

Byline Times

SAGEGATE – Part One: Treasury and Downing Street Advisors Delayed COVID-19 Lockdown

Nafeez Ahmed reveals how outside pressure weighed on SAGE to prioritise ‘supply chains’, the ‘wider economy’, ‘workforce’ and ‘business’

Byline Times

SAGEGATE: How Government Neutered Science to Save the Economy and Chase the Ghost of Herd Immunity

After a comprehensive investigation into five months of SAGE documents, Nafeez Ahmed arrives at some shocking findings

Byline Times

Capitalism is destroying ‘safe operating space’ for humanity, warn scientists

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
6 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Europe must prepare for life after oil

The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing us to leave the fossil fuel era behind. Europe needs to begin preparing for what comes next.

European Policy Centre

White Supremacism and the Earth System

The protests, the pandemic, and the planet: from systemic decline to civilizational renewal

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
26 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

WHITEHALL ANALYTICA: THE AI SUPERSTATE Part Two – Is COVID-19 Fast-Tracking a Eugenics-Inspired Genomics Programme in the NHS?

Nafeez Ahmed explores the troubling implications and assumptions of the Government’s AI-driven gene programme

Byline Times

WHITEHALL ANALYTICA: THE AI SUPERSTATE Part One – The Corporate Money Behind Health Surveillance

The first part of Nafeez Ahmed’s major investigation into the money, men and motivation behind a massive move into medical data

Byline Times

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, Europe must prepare for life after oil

Friends of Europe