Nafeez M Ahmed

Nafeez M Ahmed

Creator of the Age of Transformation, a newsletter offering systems-thinking for the global phase-shift. Director, Unitas Futures Lab. Founder, System Shift Lab.

The Arab World’s Triple Crisis

A mere change of governments will not make Arab countries’ economic problems go away. Indeed, the converging effects of population growth, climate change, and energy depletion are setting the stage for a looming triple crisis in the region.

Project Syndicate

Tunisia, Egypt and the protracted collapse of the American empire

Le Monde diplomatique

Oil or Terrorism: Which Motivates U.S. Policy More?

The United States is more interested in access to energy sources than fighting terrorism

Foreign Policy in Focus

The age of cheap oil is over

There is no time for denial. Governments and communities need to start adapting now

New Statesman

The end of cheap oil

Le Monde diplomatique

UK cuts won’t work

Le Monde diplomatique

Sliding toward climate catastrophe

Le Monde diplomatique

Pakistan and America: costs of militarism

Pakistan’s immense problems can begin to be solved only when powerful interests in Islamabad and Washington end their commitment to armed solutions


Pakistan’s double game


Hitchens Has No Clothes: A response to Vidal Loco

The Independent

Our terrorists

Islamic fundamentalist militants are the enemies of Israel and Western governments, right? Think again

New Internationalist

Blair’s Exit


Pulling the Court Strings
