Nafeez M Ahmed

Nafeez M Ahmed

Creator of the Age of Transformation, a newsletter offering systems-thinking for the global phase-shift. Director, Unitas Futures Lab. Founder, System Shift Lab.

Manifesto for a Media Revolution

The mainstream media is broken

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
8 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

‘Palestine is not an environment story’

How I was censored by The Guardian for writing about Israel’s war for Gaza’s gas

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
15 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Carbon Colonialism: How the Fight Against Climate Change Is Displacing Africans

Land grabs, food insecurity, and the destruction of communities are side effects of the fight against climate change


How the Pentagon’s Skynet Would Automate War

Mass surveillance, drone swarms, cyborg soldiers, telekinesis, synthetic organisms, and laser beams will determine future conflict by 2030


The Coming Blackout Epidemic

The lights may go out sooner than you think


Whistleblowers: IRS officials behind ‘fraudulent’ multi-billion dollar corporate tax giveaways

Raw Story

If Labour Is to Beat UKIP, It Must Enfranchise the 'Lost Generation'

Given the ongoing widespread apathy with the electoral system, we need more political representatives like Sonia who actually bring something to the table other than self-serving careerism. Failing that, Britain's political future looks increasingly loony

Huff Post UK

Is David Cameron a Violent Extremist?

The dropping of terror charges yesterday against celebrated human rights activist and ex-Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg, after having been detained for seven months on grounds of facilitating terrorism at a Syrian training camp, speaks volumes about the self-defeating direction of Britain's...

Huff Post UK

Story of a War Foretold: Why we’re fighting ISIS

The rise of ISIS was both predicted and evitable, and the West's current military campaign is already being used to neuter mass surveillance reforms at home and will likely produce further political destabilisation in the region


UN: only small farmers and agroecology can feed the world

Governments must shift subsidies and research funding from agro-industrial monoculture to small farmers using 'agroecological' methods, according to the UN's Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food

The Ecologist

Ferguson ‘taste of things to come’

Le Monde diplomatique

Iraq war veteran warns Ferguson riots are ‘taste of things to come’

The Ferguson crisis has sparked a national debate on the culture of policing toward black communities

Al Arabiya English

How the west created the Islamic State

… with a little help from our friends

  • Nafeez M Ahmed
22 min read
Nafeez M Ahmed

Armed robbery in Gaza - Israel, US, UK carve up the spoils of Palestine's stolen gas

Israel desperately covets Gaza's gas as a 'cheap stop-gap' yielding revenues of $6-7bn a year, writes Nafeez Ahmed. The UK's BG and the US's Noble Energy are lined up to do the dirty work - but first Hamas must be 'uprooted' from Gaza, & Fatah bullied into cutting off its talks with Russia's Gazprom

The Ecologist

Netanyahu’s goal is to end Palestinian sovereignty

Al Arabiya English

Israel’s attack on Gaza is the culmination of 66 years of settler-colonialism

Israel claims its latest onslaught against the population of Gaza is a response to Hamas rocket-fire, targeted at "terrorists" and motivated to "restore quiet." However, an analysis of the IDF's public relations points and war doctrines as well as the historical context of the events, shows...


Netanyahu’s real goal

Le Monde diplomatique

IDF's Gaza assault is to control Palestinian gas, avert Israeli energy crisis

Israel's defence minister has confirmed that military plans to 'uproot Hamas' are about dominating Gaza's gas reserves

The Guardian

Liberal Western pundits – what’s the outrage over moderate Muslims?

Al Arabiya English

World Bank and UN carbon offset scheme 'complicit' in genocidal land grabs - NGOs

Plight of Kenya's indigenous Sengwer shows carbon offsets are empowering corporate recolonisation of the South

The Guardian

How Science Fiction can change the world from East to West

Al Arabiya English

The rise of ISIS in Iraq is a neocon’s dream

Al Arabiya English

The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% - ex CIA spy

The man who trained more than 66 countries in open source methods calls for re-invention of intelligence to re-engineer Earth

The Guardian

Iraq blowback: Isis rise manufactured by insatiable oil addiction

West's co-optation of Gulf states' jihadists created the neocon's best friend: an Islamist Frankenstein

The Guardian